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Things on my project have quieted down a bit, so I’m trying to get done some of the nice touches that I don’t usually have time to do. Because my module is brand new, it’s completely doable to make the inline documentation really spiffy. I want to do all the stuff to make the Javadoc look just right.

One of those things is to do package javadoc. You used to do that with a package.html file, but as of Java 5 they want you to create a package-info.java file instead. You can read all about it at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/documentation/index-137868.html

Because I use Eclipse, I figured there’d be some buried menu command to generate this stuff, but surprisingly there wasn’t. I did, however, find an Eclipse plugin called JAutodoc to do this for me.

Great! Except the plugin installation failed. The installation exception message mentioned a missing module, org.eclipse.team.cvs.ssh. Eclipse 3.6 Helios comes with the org.eclipse.team.cvs.ssh2 plugin, but for some reason they did not include org.eclipse.team.cvs.ssh.

I couldn’t find a site to download just that (54k) plugin jar file, but I did discover that Eclipse 3.5 Galileo did include it. So I moved that jar from my Galileo Eclipse installation to the Helios installation, retried the JAutodoc install, and everything works.

So if you want to be fussy about your Javadocs in Eclipse, check out JAutodoc, and if you have trouble installing it, this could be your solution!

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  1. Matteo
    October 10, 2012 at 3:10 am

    Hi Paul, I’ve got the same problem, but my work-around was different. Try this: stay on Eclipse Helios but instead of the latest Jautodoc version, choose the previous one (1.9.0). Installation won’t fail this time…
    Cheers, Matteo

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